WD-40: 11+ Amazing Uses You Didn’t See Coming
Unless you live under a rock, I am sure you’ve heard of and probably even used WD-40 at least once in your life. It has so many everyday uses that we use it for such as the car, cleaning and unsticking rusty metal, and the best one that probably everyone has used on: anything that makes annoying noises, like a squeaky door. You may not be aware but it has a multitude of other uses. This is the king of hacks, because it’s not just for the squeaky door anymore. In fact, it has a multitude of other uses you probably aren’t aware of.
So to fill you in, here are some ingenious WD-40 uses that will be time savers for you. They are so simple and WD-40 so inexpensive, there’s no reason not to try! Check out these uses and then let me know what you think.
Removes Crayon from Any Surface
So, I am sure we’ve all been there. Your little one, for reasons we’ll never know, left the coloring book or paper, because the wall seems better. At the time, you were horrified because your thought is how am I going to cover this? I need to buy paint and primer, right? Wrong! Simply use WD-40, sprayed directly to the wall (The Krazy Coupon Lady says only those walls with a sheen. Matte or flat paint will stain!) and wipe away your child’s drawings.
Protect Glass Doors from Stains and Buildup
If you have glass showers doors, then you need to know this amazing trick for keeping water stains and buildup on the doors.
Stuck On Chewing Gum
Again, pretty sure we’ve all had a gum issue one time or another. I’ve had the sticky gooey mess because someone spits their gum in the parking lot. Annoying, right?! Whether it’s on your carpet, pants, or shoes, stuck gum is seriously a pain. I didn’t know then, but I am saving us both future heartache by telling you that you can spray WD-40 directly onto the gum. Just let it set for a few minutes. Then it’ll pull the gum right off.
Removes Labels
If you’ve bought something and it has the price tag that won’t come off and is leaving the residue, then simply spray a little and WD-40 does the work for you. It’s also great if you like to reuse jars and want to get the labels off.
Swollen Fingers & Stuck Rings
Have you ever had the panic attack that your fingers were swollen and you could feel the rings tightening like a vice? I had such an episode a couple Christmases ago where I could feel it and went to take the rings off and they would not budge. We were trying everything! We were so afraid I’d need to go to the ER and get them cut. If this ever happens to you, all it takes is a spray of WD-40. It does the work and the stuck ring will quickly slide off.
Stuck Zippers
Have you ever been wearing something that the zipper got stuck? Oh the fear! I had a jacket on and was stuck. Luckily for me, it came unstuck. But if yours ever doesn’t unstick, or you feel it’s starting to get that way you can certainly head it off at the pass by simply a spray of WD-40. No more worries!
Carpet Stains
WD-40 is a magnificent stain remover. Even on your carpet. Little one got ahold of a pen and marked on the carpet? WD-40 to the rescue! Spray the stain with WD-40 and let it sit for few minutes. The stain will then be easy to remove.
Removes Lipstick
So you got lipstick on your favorite shirt, did ya? Yep, you guessed it…Just a spray of WD-40 will take that out!
Prevent Snow Buildup on Windows
Perfect for the winter season, this tip will definitely save your windows from snow buildup. Just spray WD-40 over the outside of your windows before the snow starts and the snow won’t stick. You can also try this hack for your car’s windows.
Remove Stains From Countertops
Coffee, tea, and kool-aid or terrible on counters especially laminate. However, WD-40 is the remedy for that as well! Spray a little on the counter, wait a moment and wipe.
Toilet Stains
Seriously, is there anything that WD-40 can’t do?! Again, just spray it on the stains, wait for a few, and then use the toilet brush to wipe away.
Here Are Even More Uses:
Eliminates static on volume and tuning control knobs
Helps join plastic shelving to make disassembly easier
Penetrates and frees stuck toilet shutoff valve
Helps prevent rust on hide-a-key containers
Use to loosen rusty nuts and screws, clean garden tools
Shines leaves of artificial houseplants
Shines shower doors
WD-40 Lubricates As Well:
small rolling toys
hinge on pruning shears
screws on lawn furniture
hydraulic rams on slide out of 5th wheel
gate locks
moving parts on playground equipment
kitchen sink handheld spray nozzle
folding parts of ironing board
external pivots on lawnmowers
screen channels upon installation of rubber bead
W-D 40 Also Keeps:
wicker chairs from squeaking
garden tools rust-free
metal wind chimes rust-free
snow from sticking to shovel
hose ends from corroding
garden plant cages bright and rust free
sewing needles from rusting
metal wire screens rust free
trigger on glue gun from sticking
blades from rusting on garden plow
WD-40 Does Even More to Clean:
piano keys
patio door glide strip
fiberglass bathtubs
rust on oil tank exterior
bed of wheelbarrows
underside of cast iron skillets
lawn mower blades
antique kitchen tools
candle soot
residue on luggage handles
old muffin tins
pruning shears
gold-plated faucets
bottoms of pots and pans
vinyl garage doors
doggie doo from tennis shoes
medicine door latches
gold and brass lamps
bed frame
black streaks from hardwood floors
rust from wire shelves
metal figurines
mildew from refrigerator gasket
newspaper ink from tables
TV antenna
WD-40 Also Removes:
crayon from clothes dryer (make sure to unplug dryer first)
scuff marks from ceramic tile floor
water spots from mirrors
crayon from walls
tea stains from countertops
crayon from wallpaper
crayon from carpetc
tape marks from the wall where posters hung
coffee stains on floor tiles
crayon from plastic
decals from bathtubs
old cellophane tape
crayon from shoes
crayon from toys
ink from carpet
marks from floors left by chair feet
crayon from chalkboards
ink from blue jeans
petroleum stains from clothing
Kool-Aid stains from carpet and fabric
gunk from plastic dish-drainer
rust from curtain rods
adhesive from precious china
gunk when replacing old faucets
tomato stains from clothes
blue baked-on acrylic cover shields from acrylic windows
coffee stains from leather
ink stains from leather
rust from chair feet
adhesive price tag from shoe bottoms
paint from tile flooring
rust stains from bathroom tubs
rust stains from floor after mopping
gum from wallpaper
WD-40 Also Prevents:
rust on swamp cooler nuts
mildew growth on fountain
rust from forming on washing machines
damage on cooking burner
corrosion on copper parts of fountain
WD-40 Does Even More to Protect:
wrought iron from rust
electric pump on furnace
shower heads from rust
silver from blackening
inner machinery in toilet against corrosion
hand trowels from corrosion
patio door from sun damage
I feel like I should get a gunslinger belt. With WD-40 being my gun lol. Here I am to save the day…with WD-40. Why are we buying so many products if all we need is WD-40? This just made life that much easier. stubborn stains be gone!
Give these a try and then let me know what you think!
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One Comment
Great post!